We set off early this morning in order to catch up with the suspected Great Knot that was found at Breydon Water last night. Unfortunately it wasn't early enough; the bird was seen at 4:45am and flew off at 5am. This was my first big 'dip' but we made up for it by visting Britains's largest Little Tern colony containing nearly 400 birds! We also saw a Curlew Sandpiper, Whimbrel and two Stone Curlew on the way back. Steve also introduced me to the world of Butterflies to alleviate the boredom of waiting for the Knot to reappear. I can see me getting more and more interested in them...
The species photographed are: Wasp Beetle, Wall Brown, Hairy Hawker and Green-Veined White. The Wall Brown and Hairy Hawker dragonfly are apparently both fairly scarce.
First big dip man..still you deffo maded up for it! great macros and I can see myself getting into flutter bies too :-)