The Yellow-Crowned Gonoleks were really quite common but seemed to absolute hate the sight of a camera and refused to let me stalk them.

This was a really frustrating missed oppurtunity. Its an amazing looking bird but to be quite honest I'm not really sure of it's true identity. The African Paradise Flycatcher and the Red-Bellied Flycatcher look pretty similar and commonly hybridise. I think this one may be a hybrid.

Despite these Black Kites being one of the most common birds I came across I just couldn't get them in the right light. This bird is of the Yellow-Billled variety and is the resident sub-species of Black Kite.

There were three or four Black-Crowned Tchagra around our beach hut but they always remained distant and seemed to enjoy hiding behind bushes.

I think this is a Red-Bellied Flycatcher but I gave my borrowed field guide back so I could be entirely wrong.

This Common Wattle-Eye couldn't be tempted out from the shade of a toilet block and the proximity of a cess pool quickly dampened my enthusiasm for Wattle-Eye photography.

The African Thrush above was a bit subtle lookswise and was clearly a bit shy about it! These are the reasons to revist somewhere. All the above are birds I didn't manage to get a decent picture of despite having more than ample oppurtunity! But then I really could have spent weeks playing with each species individually and then I'd never have come home.